root! root! root! for the hoooome team
written @ 2:57 a.m. on 2001-10-31

So I�m rooting for the Diamondbacks. I like to root for the underdog. I also like to root for the home team, unless, of course, that team is the Cardinals, in that case, I don�t pull for either team. I can�t bring myself to really root for the Cards, but I can�t cheer against them. I�m a loyal AZ native. You don�t know how hard it was to be in Denver last year.

Denver, now there�s a town that supports its teams. Every Friday the town was covered in Avs, or Broncos, or Rockies paraphernalia (Nuggets? What Nuggets?), especially Avalanche stuff. I guess it helps to back a winning team, eh?

At first I was amused by all these fans of the D�backs jumping out of the woodwork, but then I realized that I had watched less than an entire baseball game combined all season, and here I was wishing I could afford tickets to the World Series. So I don�t think of it so much as being a fair-weather fan, more of a conserving your energy for winning seasons, waiting for the big games, that sort of thing.

I�d be a bigger fan, really, but purple isn�t my color. Neither is teal, nor orange, nor brick red, sienna, or sand (along with forest green and, you guessed it, purple, those last three are the Coyotes� team colors, who needs 5 team colors anyway?) And what is it with purple? As far as I can tell, every Phoenix team except the Cardinals has purple as a color.

Besides the fact that a baseball game is unbearably long, and I no longer like purple, all I really have to say is, �Go D�backs!�


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