I can't believe you did that
written @ 2:56 a.m. on 2001-10-31

My little brother has been making some really stupid decisions lately. Like what? You ask.

Let�s see, he quit the football team two weeks before the season ended so that he could hang out with his friend.

He attempted to ditch class and go off campus the day after his teacher said, �If you�re not going to bring your book, don�t bother coming to class.� Yep, he got caught.

He tried to get into the school dance without his i.d. then called my dad to bring it, then changed his mind and told dad not to bother, walked to a friend�s house, hung out for over an hour, tried to go back to the dance, called mom about his i.d. and mentioned that he hadn�t seen it for over two weeks, and finally got into the dance, where his date had been for the past two and a half hours.

He sold his skate stuff for money and then tried to get my mom to buy him some more.

He lied to me.

Which do I think was the stupidest thing he�s done in the past week? You guessed it, lied to me. Why? Because my sister was in town this weekend. What difference does that make? Sis likes to nag Day. She nit-picks, she badgers, she pries. She complains to mom about what Day gets away with, she bitches about how spoiled he is, how lucky, how lazy, how much easier he has it than she did. Now, if he hadn�t lied to me, I�d of stood up for him. My mom ignores her (or at least, appears to), so Day had to take the brunt of the remarks himself. And I�m sure ya�ll know just how effective �just ignore her� is. I usually stand up for him. I�m pretty good at taking her stuff and rendering it ineffective. Too bad this time all I had to say was, �Not my problem.�


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