keep your eyes on the road
written @ 4:11 p.m. on 2002-12-16

There is nothing I hate more than being on a steep winding road with no guardrails and hearing the driver exclaim, "Look at that view!" Freak-as me out. I hate it, hate it, hate it. And my boy does it all the time.

Yesterday I finally just pulled my hood over my head and used it as blinders, so that I couldn't see when he craned his neck to check out the scenery while driving 35 miles per hour on a dirt road, perched on the side of a steep cliff. I sat there with my eyes glued to the road, and then I got that one Dixie Chicks song stuck in my head, which was actually better than imagining us hurtling down the hillside and dying a grotesque and firey death; burned alive while hanging upside down from our seatbelts.


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