all my forms in a neat little pile
written @ 10:39 a.m. on 2002-09-13

Today is the day I pray that I have all my ducks in a row. I think I've done everything, jumped through all the hoops, in order to successfully apply to the Education Program. Oh, let's hope I have. Technically, Monday is the last day to turn in the application packet, but at this point, if I don't have what I need, I doubt I'll get it by Monday. My one iffy spot is a 'curriculum check sheet' which is almost the exact same form as the 'application check sheet' but I guess my advisor was supposed to fill it out. Only, she wouldn't do it. Said she didn't need to. Let's hope not. Pray. Pray. Pray.

My boy came up to visit this week and left yesterday. He drove me to work and then came back and tidied up the apartment. When I got home and saw everything, I was so pleased. It was so cute. The pillows on the couch were straightened, the newspaper was laid open on the table, facing the door, my shoes were lined up next to the wall, the beds were made, the curtains on my closet closed. I called him that evening and thanked him, told him he didn't have to do that. He said that we had left in such a hurry that morning the apartment was "a sty," so he felt compelled to clean up. It wasn't a sty, the beds were unmade and there a was slight unruffled feel to the place, but it wasn't messy, at least, not by my standards. Oh well, my boy's a neat freak. Only, not really. He doesn't actually clean, he tidies, he straightens, he unclutters, but he doesn't clean- no dusting, no vacuuming, no scrubbing.


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