Grudge Match: Nelle vs. the forces of evil
written @ 12:53 p.m. on 2001-09-22

My other obstacle in becoming a good and morally upright human being is my tendency to hold a grudge. I'm really bad about it, I know. I wish I could get over it, but I can't seem to.

I've never pulled out a past grievance in the middle of an argument or anything, but that might just be because I've never had a stand up, shout out fight. Who knows what I would say in the heat of the moment? As it is, I use old slights to nurse new ones. In my mind I say things like, "This is just like last time," and other phrases of that nature. This makes the new infraction all the worse, because there obviously was a lesson that wasn't learned the first time around, either by me, or the person I'm concerning myself with.

Of course, all this serves to do is cause me pain, because, since I'm not brandishing it against the person, they don't know about it. What good is it to hold a grudge if you aren't going to use it?

What I need to do is just forgive and forget. But who are we kidding? I've got a lot of growing up to do before that happens.


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