at least it was only for 5 days
written @ 3:36 p.m. on 2003-03-25

Whenever I'm away from the computer, or just too lazy to turn it on, I want to update my diary. However, when I'm sitting here with 20 minutes to kill, I haven't a clue of what to say. I should probably do my homework instead of updating, but I don't want to do that either.

Spring Break was good. My poor boy, he didn't have as much fun as he expected. It was cold and windy, and we weren't allowed to go to Catalina Island. There was just way too much driving involved with doing anything, and I snapped at him on the third day. It was more stressful than a vacation should be.

I snapped because I got tired of being the navigator. He had absolutely no idea where we were going, ever. He had these two horrendous maps that didn't show us anything useful, and he didn't even know where he wanted to go half the time! The map we ended up using most of the time was the one I bought halfway to California when I realized that he had no idea how to get to the hotel. WTF!?! I guess he thought he would magically teleport from Flagstaff to Hermosa Beach. Either that, or maybe he thought that I-40 would take him to the driveway of the Quality Inn. I don't know.

All I know is that it was his big plan to go to California. But that was the extent of his plans. He wanted to go to California and have fun. period. He had all this free time at work to surf the internet, but did he do anything useful with it? No. Did he plan activities? No. Find out where the sights were and how to get to them? No. Even bother to do a Mapquest to the hotel? No.

What did we learn from this experience? Well, from now on, I want to be overprepared for my vacations. I will either join a tour where someone else plans every minute of my day, or I will arrive with an itinerary detailed down to directions to the nearest public library or tourist information booth, and how long it should take us to get there from point A or B or even C. He learned that his next vacation should be on an island, so that he never has to worry about driving again.


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