yeah, well, I got over it
written @ 10:24 p.m. on 2001-11-18

I keep coming here to add an entry and then end up deleting the thing before it gets a chance to be posted.

Today I wanted to complain about how I couldn't go to the grocery store because there was a fire truck blocking my car, because a neighbor's apartment was on fire.

Yesterday I wanted to complain that I was all alone on a Saturday night listening to the blues in my candlelit bedroom. Alone.

Friday I wanted to complain about my mother's memory lapses and the fact that her ECT treatments are affecting her reasoning skills.

Thursday I wanted to complain about how I stayed up until 5 in the morning reminiscing about junior high and wondering why I didn't have more friends.

Wednesday I wanted to complain that the store was all out of the brand of cat litter that I use, so I bought an inferior brand that doesn't work as well and that I was unhappy with the product.

See? It's all complaints, and none of them are really all that important, intriguing, or noteworthy. That's why I haven't been updating the diary. I mean, I don't usually have anything important to say, but at least it's something of note. I guess the fire and the ECT are things worth mentioning. But the ECT is really too close to my heart right now, and the fire, well, really wasn't as interesting as I had initially hoped. There was a fire, the firefighters put it out. Nobody got hurt. Maybe I should get renter's insurance.


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