midnight ramblings (well, 4:15 ramblings)
written @ 4:11 a.m. on 2001-11-11

I don't really have anything to say today. I can't sleep. This is the third night in a row that I've been up past 3 AM. I'm getting up at a decent hour, and I'm doing my regular, everyday activities, you know, the ones that usually require about 9 hours of sleep on my part (hey, I like to sleep), and yet this odd insomnia. I'm not an insomniac by nature, I really do prefer sleeping to a lot of other activities, so I don't know what to do with my time.

I toss and turn until about 2 o'clock, then I give in and get up. It's not like there's anything on TV at this hour, though I did once watch a show with this lady who reminded me of a black Martha Stewart, that was kind of interesting. Thursday night I washed the dishes and paid bills. Friday night I brought out my Christmas decorations, I know it's early but getting started on Christmas before Thanksgiving is in my blood- I blame it on my mom, and besides, I don't have all that much, my decorations basically consist of a tablecloth and some candles. And tonight I wrote business letters to various companies.

On the plus side, I've been drinking a lot of water. When you're up puttering around the house in the wee hours of the morning you tend to get the munchies, but I refuse to eat after 2 AM, so I drink water. Lots and lots of water.

Staying up this late hasn't made me grumpy during the day yet. So far the only side effect has been achy joints and dark circles under my eyes. Mainly my elbows have been achy, how weird is that? I've just got that painful feeling I get in the pit of my elbows anytime someone talks about giving blood. It makes me clutch my arms up so that I end up walking around with my fists touching my shoulders.

Well, I think I'm going to attempt to go to sleep. I find that if I try to read Umberto Eco I can nod off pretty quickly; I either sleep or throw the book down and lament my puny brain.


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