unappetizing doesn't describe it
written @ 10:05 a.m. on 2002-12-03

Well, my sister has moved in. Our apartment is now "cozy" or jammed to the gills with girl crap, whichever. Turns out she can't study unless it's totally quiet. No music, no TV. No TV? Go to the library, girl, this is no TV free area! I like my background noise, I need something to drown out the whirring of the computer; it drives me batty.

My sister and I went grocery shopping yesterday. I got to buy expensive cookies because she bought avocados and cottage cheese to make nasty-ass dip. She mixed avocados, cottage cheese, and salsa to make this brownish-greenish, lumpy concoction that seriously looked like someone puked in the bowl. And then she ate it. Mass amounts of it. So did her boyfriend. Gross.

I think I'm going to take a piece of paper write the word "expensive" on it and and tape it over the name of the cookies I bought. Because, really, that's what they are.

At least we now have fruit in a bowl in our kitchen. Woo-hoo!


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