random observations
written @ 10:39 p.m. on 2001-06-25

It's so weird. Diaryland tells me that I updated 2 days ago, but it seems like so much longer than that. Maybe it's because my last few entries haven't been... um, very substantial.


Do you ever have that feeling like your body isn't completely connected to itself? Like your upper half isn't connected to your lower half? No? Huh. Then it's just me.


From now on, any time I think that I'm just going insane I'll have to remember that it's not true; because I can still think. If I have enough mental clarity to stop and say, "I think I'm going crazy," well, then, I know I'm not quite there yet.


So I decided that I don't like alcohol. Now, not only is it a waste of time and money, drinking is bad. No, I haven't had a hangover, so it's not a morning-after regret, it's more of just an observation. I don't sleep well after drinking. And I don't like it when I don't sleep well. Sleep is such a lovely and positive activity that I consider it an atrocity when it is somehow compromised. And that is what alcohol does, it compromises the quality of my sleep.


I don't like listening to people talk bad about others, especially when I can't contribute to the conversation, extra-especially when I feel that the person who is getting talked about doesn't deserve the criticism.


I came home to pay my bills. I think my mother lost half of them. I'm a bit worried. If I were more organized, I could just find an old pay-stub and contact the companies that I owe. Yeah, well, that would depend on a.) me actually keeping the stubs, and b.) now being able to locate them amid my pile of poorly packed and sorted storage boxes.


Hum... and I was going for a more substantial entry here. Oh well.


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