written @ 9:11 p.m. on 2001-09-08

When I woke up this morning, my right eye was almost swollen shut. I have no idea why. I freaked out, yet remained calm.

I didn't do anything to my eye, what if this was some kind of freakish infection? I have no health insurance, I can't afford mystery afflictions. I didn't know what to do. I took inventory.

It didn't hurt. My other eyelid was fine. My eye itself looked okay, it was just the lid. It was all pink and bloated. I looked like Disney's Quasimodo, with the bulging, heavy-lidded eye. What was I going to do?

I ran home and whined to my mom. She refused to hug me because she didn't "want what [I] got." Now I've got an infectious mystery eye disease. Today was not pretty. My brothers kept calling me names, "Poop-eye" was one of the favorites.

But on the bright side, the swollen pinkness really makes my eye look green. I love it when I have green eyes.

I'm so vain.

I think the swelling has gone down, my eye looks better. The only problem now is that it kinda hurts, in an achy sort of way.


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