the night was young
written @ 3:39 p.m. on 2001-06-17

I'm tired, and my eye is twitching, and I really should have taken a nap before getting online to update my diary, but oh-well. This entry will be poorly written, but I'll attempt to spell things correctly, at least. My eyes aren't really focused and my fingers don't seem to be attached to my brain, so we'll just see how this goes.

Last night I hung out with Leiba and two of her friends. It was fun; I enjoyed myself. I had a lot more fun with her friends this week than I did last week. I think it's because we played Pinochle. I love card games. I just love games period, really, it doesn't matter if they're card games or not. And I'm not one of those people who only likes games that I'm good at, though I do refuse to play Abalone with Leiba because I have no chance of winning. I'm okay with playing Dr. Mario and Pairs with her, even though I don't stand much of a chance of winning either of those, so I think it's okay that I have one game refusal. She refuses to play Trivial Pursuit.

I have a problem with Trivial Pursuit. I can't keep quiet. When people sit there for minutes upon seconds upon minutes, I just get anxious. It's obvious that they don't know the answer, they should just say so and move on. Make a guess, have some fun. Going through old files of history classes packed away in the back of your brain isn't going to help you. It's rare that you find the one you're looking for, and when you do, it's taken you so long to find it that the rest of the group has lost interest in the game and is now fixated on South Park. This is the rant that's going through my head while one of my friends sits there and stares at the ceiling, trying to remember the answer to the question. Of course, once I finish my silent rant, and they look like they're on the verge of giving up, I often find myself blurting out an answer, something I think can't possibly be right. It just sucks when I am right. "Who was the 13th President of the United States?" "Umm... um... lemme think... Madison... Hamilton... Harrison... umm... just a minute... um.. I have no idea..." "Filmore!" "Nelle!" "Wha? I'm right? No way. Sorry." "Be quiet!" "Wait your turn!" "If you're going to keep cheating, we'll stop playing." It's a bad thing.

Oh, but that's not what I was talking about, I was talking about last night. After we played cards the 4 of us went out to Maloney's. We had us lots of alcohol, and I discovered that I don't really like White Russians. I think it's the Kaluha. Nic discovered that I had never been drunk and decided that last night should be my first time. It didn't work.

I kind of like being able to claim that I've never been drunk. It's an important distinction for me. I also really like the fact that I don't have to wake up with hangovers. Leiba woke up this morning and immediately needed coffee and 2 Advil. I needed a bagel.


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