and then I woke up
written @ 5:31 p.m. on 2001-06-14

This is not a dream diary, but I've had such interesting ones lately, that I feel the need to write the bits and pieces down. I don't remember much about them, but here's what I do remember:

For some reason, I'm having a reoccurring dream involving Matt Frewer. This does not make sense, because, well, I haven't seen anything with Mr. Frewer in it lately, and you know, if you'd mentioned his name to me last week, I wouldn't have known who you were talking about. But I knew the guy in my dream had been on Star Trek and possibly Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, so I searched for him. I don't know what happens in the dream involving him, all I really remember is him standing there, saying, "Well." He's got his flyaway hair and his mouth screwed up in a twisted grin, and that's it. And I wake up remembering this at least once a week.

Another dream I'm having over and over again involves miles and miles of fitting rooms and public restrooms, and supermodels, and a PriceClub warehouse store-sized clothing store, probably Old Navy. All I remember about this dream is having to find a toilet that works, has a door, and is puddle-free.

The most recent dream that I remember anything about involves me getting married. I've only had this one once, but I remember it best because I told someone about it almost immediately. So in this dream, I get married; I only remember a short bit of the ceremony, me walking down the aisle, the two of us reciting vows, and then walking back down the aisle. Then there's the reception, and there's lots of loving looks, and lingering kisses, and by the way, I have no idea who the guy is. And then in the dream, it's four days later and I'm complaining to my mother and the priest/pastor guy that I want the marriage annulled because my husband and I have not yet slept together. I'm sitting there, arguing, it's been 4 days, yes, we sleep in the same bed, and we kiss and stuff, but there's no sex, and I want the sex. And my mother and the priest/pastor guy tell me that I can't get my marriage annulled because I'm not Catholic (and yes, I know you don't have to be Catholic to get an annulment), and that I promised before God and the church that I would love, honor, and cherish this man until death. No questions, no excuses, no ifs, ands, or buts. Until death, we were married. And then I go back and try to seduce my husband, and well, it just doesn't work, and I sit and cry and realize that the only reason this guy was able to date me for the past year without sleeping with me is because he never wanted to in the first place. I was not sexually attractive to this guy, but we got along so well he decided to marry me.

And the last dream I'm going to mention involves me working at a restaurant and desperately trying to be a waitress. Only, I have to be the waitress and prepare all the food as well, and I remember making a taco salad (topped with a bacon cheeseburger) and trying to figure out how to prepare squid. And I remember getting mad at the sorority girls who wanted a discount on their food because it had taken so long, even though they'd already gotten free drinks at the bar. That's it.

The friend I mentioned these dreams to thinks that I'm experiencing high levels of anxiety and stress. What do you think, Diary?


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