we're not in Kansas anymore
written @ 11:34 p.m. on 2001-07-31

Didja ever make one of those decisions where you knew it was probably the wrong one to make, but you wanted to do it anyway? I think I'm making a decision like that right now.

I'm currently faced with the prospect of living in one of two cities. Both have equal pull on my outer layer of thinking, but deep down, a "gut" feeling you may say, something tells me that Tempe is the place to be. I don't want to be in Tempe; I want to be in Tucson. So that is where I'm going to live, even though there is some intangible telling me that life would be better if I lived in the Valley.

It's not even that I think it would be better in Tempe, I don't know what it is that I think exactly. If I had a better understanding of what it is, then I would probably be more apt to follow through on this gut intution and move to the Valley. It's not even a strong gut feeling, more like a slight inkling, which is probably why I'm not paying much attention to it. Because, even though it doesn't seem like it, I generally go with my gut. Fortunately for me, my gut usually agrees with my head.

Maybe it's just fear. I'm solidifying my position in Tucson and it's fear niggling in my belly, telling me not to do it, telling me to go home. I'm afraid of moving to a new city and not being happy, I'm afraid of failing. I think I just need to get over it and get a move on. I need to make a decision and live with it. I can do this.


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