not to live in it, for storage
written @ 11:10 p.m. on 2003-10-09

I can't afford an apartment, so I'm living at home for the next three months. I went out and I looked at apartments. The ones I could afford I was too afraid to live in, the ones I wasn't afraid to live in, I couldn't afford. My mom actually looked into me renting a trailer in a trailer park. Yes, renting- that in and of itself icks me out. I mean, what had to happen that a trailer came up for rent? Did a little old lady die in it and leave the space to the landlord? Is it the abandoned home of a murderous drug lord doing time in the click for animal prostitution? Fortunately, the trailer park didn't allow cats. "Because cats attract other cats and that just makes the place look cheap." Yep. It's the cats that make trailer parks look cheap. Uh-huh.

Anyway, so I'm staying here, in the guest bedroom. It's a yellow room. My sister thinks yellow rooms make people go insane. I think she got the idea from a story we had to read in high school, something about yellow wallpaper. Anyway, I think she would say I'm going to go insane from living here for reasons besides the yellow bedroom. But what she doesn't understand is that the family denial gene runs strong in my blood. I think I can handle just about anything. I can just tune it out. I'm very good at that, tuning things out. My mom says it like it's a bad thing, "You just tune things out." I don't see why I should be ashamed or stop doing it. Sure has saved my sanity up till now. No reason to stop. Nope, nope, nope.

Oh, and in order to live at home, guess what I need to do for rent? I have to buy a shed. Yes, a garden shed. I've been told that the one my mom has her eye on runs about $400. Sure beats $600 a month on rent. A shed. Odd request, no?


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