winks at Jex
written @ 6:46 p.m. on 2003-10-08

1. What is your full name?:

2. Nicknames: Nelle, Nellebean, Nelle-girl

3. Birthdate: 2/1/78

4. Sex: Shouldn�t this be gender? Female.

5. Where do you live?: Tempe, AZ

6. What school do you attend?: Northern Arizona University

7. Siblings and their ages?: Brother, 23; Sister, 23; Little Brother, 16

8. Pets: Cat, Thomas. But I currently live with 2 dogs, and 2 cats that are not mine.

9. Righty or Lefty: Right all the way.


10. Hair color: Light brown

11. Eye color: Hazel

12. Height: 5�7� and a wee bit more. I wish I could say 5�8�

13. Do you wear contacts or glasses?: Contacts, usually

14. Do you have any piercings?: Ears

15. Where do you want more if you do?: My boy wants my belly pierced, but I said no

16. Do you have a tattoo?: No

17. If so what and where: NA

18. Do you wear any rings?: One, from Mexico on the middle finger of my right hand

19. Do you have a certain fashion you follow?: I guess

20. What fashion is that? Boring, conservative, no-fuss, just this side of sloppy


21. How are you today?: fine, thanks.

22. What pants are you wearing right now?: blue plaid flannel pajama pants

23. What shirt are you wearing right now?: my brother�s white AE t-shirt

24. What does your hair look like?: it�s in a sloppy ponytail

25. What song are you listening to right now?: no music

26. Last thing you ate?: Harvest Cheddar SunChips

27. How is the weather right now?: Hot

28. Last person you talked to on the phone?: my sister

29. Last dream you can remember: my boyfriend was a robot

30. Who are you talking to right now?: No one.

31. What time is it?: 6:32 PM


32. What are the last four digits of your phone number?: 3037

33. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: melon

34. Have you ever almost died?: no

35. Do you like the person that sent you this?: sure

36. How do you eat an Oreo: with milk

37. What makes you happy?: lots of stuff

38. What's the next CD you are going to buy?: not a clue

39. What religion/denomination are you?: nondenominational Christian, usually

40. What's the best advice ever given to you?: stay alive, don�t drink and drive

41. Have you ever won any special awards?: yes. Since the PSATs are coming up, I was a National Merit Scholar

42. What are your future goals?: um, get a job.

43. Do you like to dance?: if you can call what I do dancing

44. Worst sickness you ever had?: um, I had bad strep throat once

45. What's the stupidest thing you�ve ever done?: I don�t know. I don�t do a lot of really stupid things.

46. What's your favorite memory?: laying in bed crying while I was in high school, and I could feel the arms of God around me

47. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?: indecision

48. Where do you shop the most?: for what? Clothes? Probably the Gap

49. How many kids do you want to have?: not too many

50. Son's name?: I don�t know

51. Daughter's?: Don�t have one yet

52. Do you do drugs?: some caffeine.

53. Do you drink?: occasionally.

54. What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use?: Herbal Essences

55. What sport do you hate the most?: to watch or play? Golf, I guess

56. What are you most scared of?: consequences

57. How many TV's do you have in your house?: this house has 7 tvs

58. Do you have your own phone line or cell phone?: cell phone

59. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: no

60. Have you ever broken/sprained/fractured a bone?: no

61. Who do you dream about?: my friends

62. Who is the loudest friend you ever had?: Andy

63. Who's the quietest friend?: Erin

64. Newest Friend: the chemistry teacher I work with

65. Who is your best friend?: my sister


66. Is cheerleading a sport?: sure, they compete

67. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?: the owl says 3


68. Do you believe in Love?: yes

69. Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend?: boyfriend

70. Do you have a crush?: yes

71. Who is your crush?: Nathan, he�ll always be my crush

72. Did you send this to your crush?: no

73. Do you believe in Love at first sight?: not right now

74. Where would you like to go on your honeymoon?: depends on when I get married. Summer- Alaska, Fall- New England, Winter- Hawaii, Spring- ?

75. What song do you want played at your wedding?: I don�t know.

76. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?: height

77. Longest crush: Nathan

78. Do you find yourself attractive?: sometimes

79. Do you find yourself ugly?: sometimes

80. Do others find you attractive?: sometimes

81. Are you a virgin?: technically

82. Who was your first kiss?: Sean

83. Ever been in love?: yes

84. Which is worse, having your tonsils or appendix removed?: wouldn�t know


85. Boxers or briefs?: boxers or boxer briefs

86. Long or short hair?: short

87. Curly or straight?: either

88. Tall or short?: tall-ish (my boy isn�t tall, and that�s not a problem, but in general�)

89. Six pack or muscular arms?: arms, oh, it�s gotta be the arms.


90. Lights on/off?: depends on the activity

91. Do you like snow, sun or rain?: yes

92. McDonald's or Burger King?: Wendy�s

93. Backstreet Boys or NSYNC?: NSYNC

94. On the phone or in person?: In person.

95. Paper or plastic?: I don�t need a bag

96. Sausage or pepperoni?: just cheese, please

97. Summer or winter? winter

98. Hugs or kisses?: both, but kisses if I have to choose

99. Chocolate or white milk?: white

100. Root Beer or Dr. Pepper?: Coke

101. Glass half full or half empty?: depends on if I just poured something in or out

102. CD or Tape?: CD.

103. Tape or DVD?: VHS, I don�t have a DVD player yet

104. Cats or Dogs?: at this time in my life, cat

105. Mud or Jell-O wrestling?: neither

106. Vanilla or Chocolate?: chocolate

107. Skiing or Boarding?: I�m not strong enough to board

108. Day or night?: Night

109. Cake or pie?: pie

110. Silver or gold?: Silver.

111. Diamond or pearl?: diamond

112. Sunset or sunrise?: sunset


113. Color: blue

114. Food: BBQ

115. Fast Food: right now, Wendy�s Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger

116. Candy: when stressed, Dove dark chocolate Promises

117. Beverage: Coke

118. Ice Cream Flavor: B&J�s Everything But The�

119. Sport: high school football

120. Favorite Animal: Thomas, my cat

121. Fave type of music: top 40 crap, on the punk side

122. Radio Station: right now, 103.9 or 104.7

123. Song: I don�t know, I still kinda like In the Middle by Jimmy Eat World

124. Band: Third Day

125. Number: 6

126. Actor or actress: John Cusack

127. Day of the year: Mole Day, Oct. 23rd!

128. Month: April

129. TV Show: The Amazing Race

130. Store: I don�t know

131. Scent: rain

132. Teacher: Brian McBurnett

133. Game: Pictionary


134. Thought so but didn�t really cry?: yes

135. Ever got dumped?: no

136. Broke the law?: Yes.

137. Ran from the cops?: no

138. Stole something?: Brach�s candy

139. Tried to kill yourself?: no

140. Made yourself throw up?: no

141. Been in love?: yes

142. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: no

Is that it? I got to the end and expected more�


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