today, today
written @ 12:25 a.m. on 2002-08-24

Today I got a sunburn. I only sat outside for a half hour, I swear. It was such a beautiful day that I went outside to do some reading. It's a quick read book, and I didn't get that far, so I know I wasn't out there for long. But, ouchie, my thighs. I guess that's what happens when you expose skin to late summer sun, skin that doesn't normally see the light of day. I keep these legs of mine under wraps; no need to scare innocent bystanders. But I decided to wear some shorts this morning, just on a whim. Ouchie.

I also finally registered for fall classes today. I'm not sure I'm taking all that I need, but since my advisor wasn't around, I guess I'll track him down on Monday. At least this way, I have classes. It took so long to find ones that weren't full. I actually just ended up asking the computer for all open classes by subject. I was like, "Hmm... Maybe I'll take a Biology class, what's available? Microbiology, I don't think so. How about Geology, Geology is a fun subject... Natural Disasters, sounds good. I'll take that. Okay, what else? Any Political Science open? Nothing that I can take. How about a Speech class... Nothing there either. Okay, how about Math? I could minor in math, if I want. Maybe I will, look, there's an open class. I'll sign up for it too. Okay, so that's 10 hours. Nine is full time for a graduate student, right? Okay then, good to go."

After I did that, I was so stressed from not being able to sign up for the classes that I orginally intended, and just the whole insecurity of it all, that I decided to go to the movies. I went and saw Simone. It was... okay. Some parts were funny. It dragged a bit. Okay, it dragged a lot. I sat there wishing that I could pause it and get up and walk around and maybe phone a friend, have some food, and then get back to it eventually. But no. I won't say that I suffered through it, but I don't know, I guess I'd give it 2 1/2 stars. 2 1/4.

After the movie I caught up with some of my friends. We grabbed something to eat and then went and helped one of them decorate his classroom for the beginning of the school year. We picked out posters for him to use, helped put up a bulletin board, and then I made a banner that said, "CONGRATULATIONS you've got the best math teacher ever." The congratulations was part of a promotional poster about Target teacher scholarships, or some such thing, but I cut that part off and hand wrote the rest. I thought it was funny. Not that he thinks it's true, or anything, hopefully it won't incite any kind of backlash.


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