do it now, because I said so
written @ 6:41 p.m. on 2001-06-10

I am updating because I feel almost obligated to do so, not because I have a burning desire say something. I don't know why I would feel obligated, it's not like I have someone sitting behind me saying, "Update your diary, Nelle. Update. Update. What are you going to write about today? What's been going on? What are you going to say? Huh? Huh? Huh? Update." And I'm really glad that I don't have a permanent nag, following me around and tugging on my shirt, asking me questions, pushing me to do things. I'm sure I would eventually just tune him out, and then I would just get strange looks from people wondering why I was ignoring the annoying person who was following me around. Although, that senario sounds strangly like having children, at least, from what I've witnessed in grocery stores and the like.

I'm hungry; I'm going to go eat now. So I guess I satisfied both leanings, the one to update, and the one with nothing to say, because I didn't really say anything. How nice. I guess.


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